TREES Can I know the language of trees? They do not stand in isolation As may be assumed By my unknowing Insensitivity That they stand in natures’ power Share in one life force Interrelated, living together Through the seasons Sun and rain High wind and gentle breeze Through them I can link In the knowledge …
Monthly Archive: April 2014
Apr 22
BEAUTY Why not let beauty With its gentle influence Its integrated wholeness Pervade your sense As you look thereon Be it in nature Or artefact of man Let it not be far from you To keep your mind unsullied From the ugly scene Let good proportion Yield its sense Its rightness to restore Perfection Poise …
Apr 21
NEW POLEMIC I would rather listen To a thousand, thousand symphonies Than bemoan the loss Of dead times At least I will recapitulate The great creative urge That spurs on To new expressions Of sublimity In art and literature We do not die But live in re-creation No need deny Reincarnation Or might I wonder …
Apr 08
LOVE I knew you long ago You will have forgotten me But I have not forgotten you And love eternal Cannot die Or its embers dull In dying fire. Love lives on It can do no other Actions speak louder Than words I commit this action Of remembrance.
Apr 08
LOVE DIVINE Love is divine And if eternal Is not tarnished Or depleted With passing time That would cause A dulling of the memory That you would think That love is gone The eternal Cannot die And love lives on It continues beyond The passing of a life Upon this world It lives beyond The …
Apr 08
Rise of the inner blossom contd.
Rise of the inner blossom contd. As everything becomes nothing And nothing becomes everything And so live one moment there Beyond the callous and the cruel Without emotion in the skein of blank indifference To self’s inflated ‘I’s. Ah, if I could leave so much behind Would not suffering itself be gone As turning in …
Apr 08
RISE OF THE INNER BLOSSOM Can I be free As a bird upon the wing And see horizons And be separate From the earth below. Must it only be through death That I can [truly] enter life? Can I be the quintessence of a glint Reflecting in a drop of rain Upon a trees twig? …
Apr 08
RECOGNITION There is a gentle sweetness That flows betimes Between one heart And another I rather think It is the communion Of those who discover Their connection In some lifetime past Their coming together Is like the mingling Of wine.
Apr 08
MUSING Can I live and gain A sense of other lives that I have lived That I could link with bygone times And to that which is beyond As past and future In the mystery of time Merge together in a present now Or might I grasp a notion of The great upsurge of energy …
Apr 07
Serendipity I can’t believe it A new level of consciousness comes in Unexpected, not thought of, or even hoped for Yet it is here And now relaxed, I enjoy that which has come upon me. Like the quiet after the storms of yesterday Or the ambiguities of former times I am living With a sense …