TELL ME Tell me, Tell me Till the day that I can hear Tell me ever Keep on telling Though my days get drear Till at last I understand The simplest truth That lives beyond The sands of time and space Of our eternal home. Where the endlessness Of Source is known Tell me in …
Monthly Archive: May 2014
May 06
I BELIEVE by john lilley I believe In Creator God I believe In the Author of the Universe I believe In that which was Before the light came forth I believe in love The love the Creator has For his Universe I believe in the love The creator has for me I believe That things …
May 06
CAN I KNOW Can I know Of things sublime In this life of mine Of the realness that exists Beyond the realm of time Would I not Then be content Unblemished In the purity of soul And find my rest Or allow in me a movement corresponding To the flowing of the cosmos Complimentary in …
May 03
Science class Close of day the test tubes stand In their racks Burettes, pipettes, flasks Cleaned and put away The science master gowned Gives a closing word to his class Believe in God, he says, believe in God The class is silent As though reflecting On the natural order of the universe The master squares …