Deeper understanding of the scriptures is becoming evident for Christian thinkers during these new times where new energies are circulating and promoting a deeper awareness. A deeper significance emerges. For example ‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within you’ has implications not formerly realised. We accept the idea that God is in heaven, well this is really pointing out to us that God is within. This is a conclusion that escapes us if we start to believe that we are not good enough.
We have had the idea I must go to church to meet with my creator but really this means, if we are to include going to church with the deepened outlook we could say that we go to church to facilitate our sense and realisation that God is within. Joining together under one roof with those who generally accept certain shared ideas brings about a fellowship. Worship should be a realisation of sharing of feeding or stimulating the sense we have within of the inner presence. Put another way if God is within why do we always think of God without. Do we really accept ourselves as divine. It is not so easy if we regard ourselves as unworthy. We get on the track of thought that we must perfect ourselves. This deflects us from accepting the goodness of God as an attribute already resident within us.
Indeed, we can say that we can feel better within ourselves in coming together and sharing our beliefs. It has a good feeling about it, and that occurs no matter what particular set of beliefs we may have. It is the feeling of oneness that we get through coming together. Thus we may come to realise that beliefs are secondary. That with realising God is within then those of a different religious persuasion are no different to us. God is within no matter what form of teaching we have accepted or brought up in. Tolerance finds a deeper hold within us as we recognise God within all. A greater harmony emerges in mankind as a whole. Knowledge that God is love becomes more deeply appreciated. Humanity becomes more unified in the realisation of the Oneness of God universally.