

Apr 06


The wind is restless to night
Shuttering around outside the house
We stay in fearful
Feeling wiser not to travel
Give the meeting a rest
Be spaced out, read the Tao
Be like soft water, unaggressive
As I feel the wind is wont
To shake the patterns of the mind
Tired of being as they are
The need to find new territories
The need to find new forms of understanding
New images in a spiral dance
Arise in a field of new energy
From a different world
Inter-lapping, inter-fusing
Into the matrix newly woven
As the wind blows out the cobwebs
Released we walk
Into freshly pinned out paradigms
Free from old restrictions we emerge
Now to face the re-construction
That becomes more present
In a clean landscape
After the storm
You can feel it in your bones.