May 07
Tell me, Tell me
Till the day that I can hear
Tell me ever
Keep on telling
Though my days get drear
Till at last I understand
The simplest truth
That lives beyond
The sands of time and space
Of our eternal home.
Where the endlessness
Of Source is known
Tell me in the morning
When the golden light is dawning
Tell me in the noon time clear
Lest other things becloud my way
And as eventide befalls
Lest I be forgetting
Tell me when the sun is setting
That I may sleep, contentedly
And keep on telling me until
Belief is swallowed up in knowing
God is present everywhere.
John Lilley
May 06
I BELIEVE by john lilley
I believe
In Creator God
I believe
In the Author of the Universe
I believe
In that which was
Before the light came forth
I believe in love
The love the Creator has
For his Universe
I believe in the love
The creator has for me
I believe
That things work together for good
For those that love God
I believe the Universe
Goes on for ever
May 06
Can I know
Of things sublime
In this life of mine
Of the realness that exists
Beyond the realm of time
Would I not
Then be content
In the purity of soul
And find my rest
Or allow in me a movement corresponding
To the flowing of the cosmos
Complimentary in the fields
Of infinite worlds
That interlock in harmony
And in the forming of some words
Encapsulate the mystery of the universe
Or in some small measure know
The secret of the galaxies
Then I would be resonating
With that totality
Of everything that is.
john lilley
May 03
Science class
Close of day the test tubes stand
In their racks
Burettes, pipettes, flasks
Cleaned and put away
The science master gowned
Gives a closing word to his class
Believe in God, he says, believe in God
The class is silent
As though reflecting
On the natural order of the universe
The master squares up
The text books on the desk
Neatly precisely as the class
impatient waits the final bell
Ready to rush out through the doors
waiting to rush out
waiting jostling out through the doors they rush
into the out side world
their destiny awaiting
into the unknown
Apr 23
Can I know the language of trees?
They do not stand in isolation
As may be assumed
By my unknowing
That they stand in natures’ power
Share in one life force
Interrelated, living together
Through the seasons
Sun and rain
High wind and gentle breeze
Through them I can link
In the knowledge
Of their life and find
With Natures’ world.
Apr 22
Why not let beauty
With its gentle influence
Its integrated wholeness
Pervade your sense
As you look thereon
Be it in nature
Or artefact of man
Let it not be far from you
To keep your mind unsullied
From the ugly scene
Let good proportion
Yield its sense
Its rightness to restore
And dignity.
Apr 21
I would rather listen
To a thousand, thousand symphonies
Than bemoan the loss
Of dead times
At least I will recapitulate
The great creative urge
That spurs on
To new expressions
Of sublimity
In art and literature
We do not die
But live in re-creation
No need deny
Or might I wonder at the world
We give our children
By our very attitude
Apr 08
I knew you long ago
You will have forgotten me
But I have not forgotten you
And love eternal
Cannot die
Or its embers dull
In dying fire.
Love lives on
It can do no other
Actions speak louder
Than words
I commit this action
Of remembrance.